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Finance & Law


ANAC provides corporate financial valuations, economic discounted cash flow modeling and analysis of projects and companies determining the intrinsic and market values. The legal team provides legal advice in natural resource law, tax, customs, foreign investment law and other legislation matters for oil & gas, mining, power generation and other industries.

A Holistic Approach

To Due Diligence.

We collect and process the raw source financial, technical, legal and other data, update management information systems (MIS), valuate financial position of the company, economic efficiency of financial leverage, cost of capital, cost of debt, intrinsic and market value, debt value, capital value of company and its shareholders, including majority and minority stakeholders for the purposes of the effective management of the capital of the company and to develop the correct growth and development strategy and increase the client's value.
We compile analytical financial discounted cash flow (DCF) models, capital asset pricing models (CAPM) and calculate project  economic efficiency - net present value (NPV), risk and sensitivity analysis, including Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) method for integral project economic efficiency (ENPV), Monte Carlo simulations for uncertainties and marketing forecasts.

The ENPV for the integral project efficiency is calculated ceteris paribus with sensitivity runs of one of the most probable scenarios of the project applying the PERT analysis method.  The corporate financial sensitivity analysis is performed for calculation of recommended maximum asset acquisition price to sustain the economic efficiency of the investment project.

  • Economic Models, including financial DCF (discounted cash flow) models;

  • Feasibility studies and business plans;

  • Corporate Finance valuation and Due Diligence, including: calculation of company and project intrinsic and market value, analysis of risks, financial standing, present and future value;

  • Calculation of CAPEX, OPEX, EBIT, EBITDA, taxes, depreciation, amortization, NPV, IRR, oil, gas netback, KPI (key performance indicators);

  • Comprehensive investment risk and sensitivity analysis, including: WACC, OPEX, CAPEX, tax regime sensitivity, liquidity risk, market risk, financial (FOREX) risk;

  • Reports under SPE-PRMS, SEC, NI-51-01, JORC and other international standards;

  • Transportation Route analysis, including evaluation of modes, capacity and cost of transportation for oil & gas, mining and other industries;

The rapidly changing laws, political and business environment in some countries require regular updates and adjustments to project economics and investment decisions.  We provide tax advice for oil & gas, mining, real estate and other industries, as well as foreign investment law and other legislation specific matters, e.g. 'how to do business' in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Russia, other FSU countries, South East Asia and other countries.

Taxation of certain industry sectors, such as natural resources, e.g. oil & gas and mining industries involves many different types of taxes which don't have fixed rates, but are tied to certain threshholds and depend on hydrocarbon or other resource production or mining volume, world oil or other commodity prices and other factors.  The exact tax rates, export duty rates and other fees must be considered at all stages of project efficiency calculation, as even the slightest change in one of those parameters may have a material impact on the overall project economics.

We provide legal advice and legislation analysis in natural resource (subsoil) usage law, environment protection, tax, customs law, corporate law, securities and corporate finance, private equity, franchising and distribution, trade law, insurance, litigation and dispute resolution, arbitration, intellectual property, public law and public international law.
Our legal team provides transactional advice in acquisition and mergers, sale of shares, assets, consolidation, liquidation and other asset and entity restructurings, including but not limited to leveraged buyouts, equity and debt financing, commodity hedging, direct financial investment, cross-border restructurings and complicated merger transactions, joint ventures, divestitures, bankruptcy, insolvency and other restructurings.

Investment incentives and deal structuring in governor meetings, Western Kazakhstan, October 2015.

Many clients prefer the packaged one-source services for financial, geologic, legal and other asset valuations.  We offer comprehensive full-scale complete due diligence services, including but not limited to feasibility studies, business plans, work programs and technical programs.
Financial specialists and economists, geologists and lawyers from all over the world work as one team on valuation of oil & gas (upstream and downstream, transportation), mining, real estate, heavy and light industry, construction, retail and other assets, including valuations for internal purposes and valuations and reports for stock markets.

Complete due diligence of assets, feasibility study, legal advice and deal structuring.

Due Diligence
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